Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another day, another dollar

I love money. It was so an abstract reward in paper and coin form, now that we have it deposited directly in our virtual accounts, I really feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my life. This morning I saw a video with George Bush and Tony Blair talking at G8; now, as I live in the Quebec province in Canada, I have absolutely zero impact/emotional involvement in US politics, but I've got to say this, whether you like him or not as a president, George W Bush is a likeable man. A human being, I would say, based on my psychotic standards. You see, some people radiate a very special 'human' quality. You might call it charisma, but it's probably more than that. Tony Blair expresses himself well enough, with articulated words and prose, but he lacks humanity; he looks like a human, smells like a human, but the spark of life just is'nt there. He's like a butler prototype painted in a business suit.
Now Mr.Bush speaks straight, and I imagine it must be such a pain for him to give calculated speeches, how simple it would be for him if he did'nt have to lie to the masses. How funny I reflected aloud this morning, that when our elected leaders address us on tv, they have to speak with a certain complexity of language, else the peasantry think them inefficient.

"He's got vocabulary, so it must be true."

And if he was to use those colorful expletives, that are only used when in what can amount to privacy for a world leader, how we would be shocked and dismayed. Why, anybody using the word 'shit' in a sentence that does'nt describe bowel movement can't possibly handle international politics. So we'd rather elect brilliant orators than honest beasts. Don't misunderstand. I am not judging morality here. Morality is all about perspective, expressing oneself is'nt. You can disagree with politics, but you have to give credit where it's due.
Included here, as a demonstration, is a picture of our prime minister Jean Charest exchanging hand-fluid with Canada's prime minister, Steven Harper. Now you might have noticed Steven in the news recently, looking like a half-dead fish with a cherub smile. That man is always watching his words, licking his smarmy lips to avoid blurting an inconvenience about his faith. See, prime ministers really can't preach too much in Canada, because they need votes in Quebec and Ontario, which are very secular provinces. Quebec had a 'revolution tranquille'(quiet revolt) to remove church from schools and government. Many poor french families suffered during the english occupation, because the church preferred the confederation to annexation with the US; the catholic establishment thought the 'order' resulting from authoritarian monarchy was better libertarian republicanism. So there. But the prime minister is a christian, and he needs to lie to be elected. Ponder that.
The other one, that despicable curly haired human-shaped blob, is our neo-liberal-conservative-whichever party can get me power prime minister. He's such a bad liar, he gets caught and needs to change his lines all the time. But boy can he articulate words, you should hear him when he gets worked up (incidentally, his skin shines a bright red when he pulls a fit, like some strange jellyfish from the deep).

Who wants to become a politician anyways? In Quebec, there is a group called 'Young Liberals', which are the future members of the liberal party, and they look like a cloning vat bottom scrape, with almost identical glasses and boring haircut. It's like they want to prove that they were hated in high school because of their superior intellect, by entering that special social status where you get to make everyone else's life miserable.
But once the global economy crumbles, and it's all about personal skills and inherent value, those tie-and-suit dummies are going to be roasted on the mutant gangs celebratory fires. For it is their only use in a world without money: proteins and consistent shit.


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