Thursday, July 20, 2006

Crimson holiday.

Another exciting news day. It's like watching a plane crash in slow motion, you feel like you can't do anything, you don't know enough to understand why it's happening, you try to gather clues-what's that black smoke coming up from the tail, but inside your screaming mind, you already know how it ends, don't you? Ultimately, it's a race between that gigantic space debris whose elliptic path will cross the earth's to sterilize it for a few million years, and humans finally succumbing to the phallic worship of our glorious nuclear mounted missiles shot around the world to share the joy of radioactive misery. The healthy competition between chance and human stupidity, what a treat. I like the ending where we can blame ourselves, and realize that we've wasted years praying to a 4th century monk's freudian slip.
I like religious people, when they actually read their dogmatic material. You believe a God who created this awe-inspiring universe will one day come back and be impressed with what we've been doing? Oh, I really appreciate the craters and the massive deforestation. The marketing eyesores every 3 seconds on the side of the road, pure genius. An I see you've managed to block my annoying, scintillating stars and deep, thought provoking night sky with your yellowish, unnatural smog. That was really my plan all along, to have you commit slow suicide by drinking 6 gallons of Pepsi every day. And I'm such an omnipotent creator, that I've asked you to kill off anyone who refuses to worship me like a dog. Thank you for reducing me to your level of greedy stupidity humans, I'll be rewarding you now.
Spirituality is something only we manifest, and it's probably the doorway to some amazing philosophical thinking. We should dig deeper than simple words on paper, written in a time when man was still struggling to understand his surroundings. And I get the whole 'we can get rich off this' and 'what a terrific way to control the oafish masses' angle, but I can't help to feel like we're kind of missing the point.
Today I decided to take a day off, because I felt like I had nothing to do at work. I have a few vacation hours left that I must use sparingly to ensure I keep my end of the downshifting bargain: work less, consume less, become a better person. Be informed, keep your brain sharp like the edge of a knife, and never get caught in unevolving convictions. Live everyday like it was the last, make it a meaningful one. Learn and hone skills, so that you're always worth so much more than what mercantile corporations are ready to pay for your services. Never get attached to a physical object, so that, if ever disaster struck, you could shrug it off and be happy to still have yourself. Be compassionate to the suffering of other, but never be swayed by pity, because compassion has you shoulder to shoulder with your fellow man, while pity has you standing over misery, and is the shortest way to self-righteousness. Always think and analyze everything, and admit wrongs where due.
Creationist Kent Hovind said that if there is no God, there is no morality. See.


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