Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Mel Gibson, the Drunken Nazi

So I went out and got a bit drunk tonight. I get back home, and I browse a bit through my usual news outlets. And it's about Mel Gibson. Everywhere. And who gives a damn, really? I like Mel, he's a really bad actor, I tried to enjoy Braveheart, but it ultimately ended up being a disappointment ( the ghost thing). I respect the fact that he is a religiously motivated man, or so he says. And he seems to let the anti-semitism fly when he's drunk. Big fuckadoodeldy deal. When you drink alcohol, your brain is'nt quite the sharp knife it used to be when sober, so forget about witty remarks and deep conversations. You wake up in the morning, and realize you made a huge mistake. But then a newspaper is talking about what you said under the influence, and is making a huge deal out of it, and is putting this lousy story before all the Death and Suffering(tm) that is currently happening in the world, like your slurry abuse shouted at an arresting officer is worse than a few missiles slamming in an unfortunate nest of people trying to flee the carpet bombing. Oh my god, we found a bigot in North America, that's unforgivable, what, with our long history of respecting everyone and...ah, what's the point...
In a world where we all get up and denounce the guy that had a drink too many, but ignore the truly racist crime carrying on day after day, all the while blathering platitudes about a right to defense and mistakes and collateral damage, we truly deserve what's coming. It's times like this I wish I was Mel Gibson's neighbor, so I could walk to him, slap him across the face and say: "Why in hell are you apologizing? You don't care, no one really does. It's just filling in the medias, you're just straw man of the day. You expressed a deplorable opinion, so what. Many of us drunks do it all the time. What you need to do is go beyond hatred, beyond petty spite. Read Friedrich Nietzsche's "On the Origin of Moral Feelings", understand that a man of noble spirit is above the enduring, flimsy angers of the masses. Forget about it, move on, and let those who would only remember that error be damned with their self-righteous crusades; they often have more to hide than loudmouth drunkards."
Come meteor, and save this universe from the useless arrogance of lowly men.


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