Tuesday, July 25, 2006

End times.

This morning, I watched an amazing video on the CNN website. It was about christian communities eagerly awaiting the end times (as mentioned in the bible). After wiping the bile off my sweaty lips, I pondered once again on human credulity and the sleazy, grotesque toupet wearing fat accumulating trash who exploit it.
Ok, to all christian out there, who take time to read the depressed thoughts of cynical bloggers, I want to have a chat with you. A polite philosophical debate I would like to submit to you. I respect the bible as a book of mysteries, and even knowing it's history, of how it was abused by charlatans who wanted to manipulate people, I still have to admit that most of it offers a sensible moral compass if you understand metaphors.
And that's the key to the bible. Metaphor. How did Jesus teach us the way? PARABLES! METAPHORS! ALLEGORIES! It's not about deceiving, it's about making you think, Jesus wanted you to ponder things, so you would understand and not blindly obey. You know the best way to assimilate a technique is to understand it. My favorite is the two sons( Matthew 21:28–32), because I am a very antagonistic person sometimes, but I always end up doing the right thing in the end. This particular parable really struck with me since childhood, and even though I am not a practicing christian anymore, more of a gnostic, the lesson stayed.
Look at the megachurches. Does it look like something Jesus would approve? He gave sermons for FREE, outside, so anyone could listen and learn. And he was hated for it by the organized Hebrew church of the time, because they were making money off the worshipers. Don't you see any parallel with what is happening today? When a slick preacher in an expensive suit is telling you to donate money, is he truly representing the spirit of Jesus Christ? But if he was'nt clean and shiny, you would'nt listen to him, because we are often blinded by our materialistic sight. Ugly is evil, handsome is good. And this is where it leads.
Don't you think revelations is a metaphor too? Of something horrible that MIGHT happen if we let ourselves be devoured by greed, lust and violence? That in the end we are all punished for our lack of understanding, condemned to end our lives in the flames of a man made Armageddon? Don't you feel that you are leaving a lesser world to your children, or your grandchildren? Did'nt Jesus want us to take good care of future generations? Think, analyze, read, and open your eyes. The Lord showed us a path once, and we crucified him because we were blinded by our ignorance. He left us instructions of how to see him again, to see the kingdom of God. Liars with bad haircuts have long used the book to lead us astray, to fulfill their own selfish ambitions, be it power, money and even sex. I say no more.
And if you still truly believe in the End times and that a chosen few will be taken away by Christ, and all the idiotic science fiction interpretation by people who only want to peddle books and video games, then buy water and canned food and leave the world of men. You don't deserve to participate in politics or the economy, because, you don't care about any future that we might still be able to shape for our progeny. And that's the most selfish act I can imagine, belief that this world will end in your lifetime, denying others the chance to marvel at the beauty of earth and creation.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

God bless Canada.

So yesterday I had a dinner with my in-laws. Conversation wandered around the different subjects of the day, and hovered a while around the great prime minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, the glass eyed construct from the Pit. And I was told, to my great surprise, and disgust, that he said 'God bless Canada'. Today I frantically searched the web, trying to disprove the nasty rumor; surely we're not on the brink of regressing back into foolish religious myths and zeal, burning witches and impregnating women . But there it was. God. Bless. Canada.
The betrayal of it all. Quebec's reliable media lied to us once again. Before the election, they carefully avoided showing us the end of his speeches, where he would say the dreaded words. I doubt he would have been as popular in french Quebec had the people known his preachy nature. But he's mentally sodomizing us now, just like the catholic church used to do to the children placed in their care when they had a stranglehold on education.
I lived through the end of catholic classes in school, I saw old nuns forced into retirement for beating kids with rulers. There was an alternative class to catechism, it was called 'moral learning'. The children would go in a special room, they closed the door and were forbidden to talk about what they did with us. I learned about Jesus. I liked it, actually, and I had high grades up to high school. And I read the whole bible, and I was baptized and confirmed. But I did'nt really believe it. I believed in my dreams and my abilities, not on relying on miracles and prayer to go through life. I'm not saying God does'nt exist, but I'm saying he does'nt exist through organized church. God would want you to evolve personally, to help others and respect life. We won't go into most organized religions history, but you get my point. I think it's a kind of intellectual laziness, not to go beyond, not to try to pierce the veil, to understand the universe and all its mysteries.
Anyway, now they're talking of renovating churches, to keep the 'culture' alive. It's laughable, like a slave polishing his chains. We removed them, let's not be again dragged in by the uncertainties of current world events, our empty materialistic life and our general lack of intelligent debate. We can be a community without a priest, we can help each other without an invisible being sprinkling his magical powers over what I assume is limited to what's inside the line encircling Canada. Let's hope he does'nt overbless, and it spills over in the Atlantic, else we'll have to contend with blessed-super fish, and that would be bad for fishermen and werewolves everywhere.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Middle-East edutainment.

I could write here and now that the north american media deserve to be dragged to a dark parking lot, nailed to a wall and beaten with a splintered baseball bat. But you already knew that. It's not that they lie to us often, though they do; it's not that they are biased toward big money interests, though they are; it's not that they provide useless sport activity facts mingled with useless star system news, though they do. It's their repugnant ability to talk about bombings and death and possibility of an end to all life war coming up for at least an hour, then without blinking, smile and talk about something asinine like regional cheese. And they all have that same sickly look of rotting inside, I mean, I know I would if I had to whore myself for a car company, after presenting a report on deaths caused by car pollution. That's another larky thing, watch the ads that follow deadly serious reports, the irony is blinding.
So today is again meaningless war time, from what I hear. I like soldiers. I think they have the worst job in the world. They bleed so old men with about 5 to 10 more years to live can make a killing in the stock market. They go to warm places, and they have to wear heavy equipment, and be surrounded by people they're told they came to help, but who only want to carve them a nice red smile under the chin. And then they come back after spending 4-5 years shoulder deep in the most horrible corners of human misery, and no one wants to hire them, or help them, because, half the population thinks they're murderers, while the other half is scared shitless that they'll snap and blow up something. So we let these guys, whom we taught everything they learned before boot camp was false, that it's ok to kill under certain conditions, wander around to see some of the country they thought they were protecting. But I like them anyway, because they live things and have stories to tell, and they're the closest thing we have to witnesses in the crimes our governments are committing abroad.
I had an idea once, for a new type of ruler. Let's say, instead of voting, which is boring and so Athens BC, we have a deathmatch between the candidates. They fight, bare fist in a ring, and at some point we can throw in knives to spice things up. Then, whenever the leader wants to declare war, he needs to charge at the head of the troops, always. If he's killed, the highest ranking member of his cabinet is next in line, and so forth. Of course, in the beginning, we'll get stupid brutes and our civilization might suffer for a few decades. But I believe that, at some point, we'll see strong and clever politicians emerging from the ring, after all the brine is washed away in previous, disastrous wars. And if our statesmen become respectable figures, then we won't have much of an excuse not to become one too.
Would make for better tv than the vomit-inducing electoral process we have now in any case.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Crimson holiday.

Another exciting news day. It's like watching a plane crash in slow motion, you feel like you can't do anything, you don't know enough to understand why it's happening, you try to gather clues-what's that black smoke coming up from the tail, but inside your screaming mind, you already know how it ends, don't you? Ultimately, it's a race between that gigantic space debris whose elliptic path will cross the earth's to sterilize it for a few million years, and humans finally succumbing to the phallic worship of our glorious nuclear mounted missiles shot around the world to share the joy of radioactive misery. The healthy competition between chance and human stupidity, what a treat. I like the ending where we can blame ourselves, and realize that we've wasted years praying to a 4th century monk's freudian slip.
I like religious people, when they actually read their dogmatic material. You believe a God who created this awe-inspiring universe will one day come back and be impressed with what we've been doing? Oh, I really appreciate the craters and the massive deforestation. The marketing eyesores every 3 seconds on the side of the road, pure genius. An I see you've managed to block my annoying, scintillating stars and deep, thought provoking night sky with your yellowish, unnatural smog. That was really my plan all along, to have you commit slow suicide by drinking 6 gallons of Pepsi every day. And I'm such an omnipotent creator, that I've asked you to kill off anyone who refuses to worship me like a dog. Thank you for reducing me to your level of greedy stupidity humans, I'll be rewarding you now.
Spirituality is something only we manifest, and it's probably the doorway to some amazing philosophical thinking. We should dig deeper than simple words on paper, written in a time when man was still struggling to understand his surroundings. And I get the whole 'we can get rich off this' and 'what a terrific way to control the oafish masses' angle, but I can't help to feel like we're kind of missing the point.
Today I decided to take a day off, because I felt like I had nothing to do at work. I have a few vacation hours left that I must use sparingly to ensure I keep my end of the downshifting bargain: work less, consume less, become a better person. Be informed, keep your brain sharp like the edge of a knife, and never get caught in unevolving convictions. Live everyday like it was the last, make it a meaningful one. Learn and hone skills, so that you're always worth so much more than what mercantile corporations are ready to pay for your services. Never get attached to a physical object, so that, if ever disaster struck, you could shrug it off and be happy to still have yourself. Be compassionate to the suffering of other, but never be swayed by pity, because compassion has you shoulder to shoulder with your fellow man, while pity has you standing over misery, and is the shortest way to self-righteousness. Always think and analyze everything, and admit wrongs where due.
Creationist Kent Hovind said that if there is no God, there is no morality. See.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bombs away.

There are wars everywhere right now in the world. Some are more popular, with medias devoting hours and hours of clever analysis and strict selective coverage. I've been around different stages of passive participation in some of the more popular conflicts; confusion, anger, racism, all those colorful emotions that one feels when he really can't do anything about a situation, except cheerlead from an ocean away, or join a protest march, which in my opinion have become kind of a sad joke lately. I mean, whenever you see any action from the more 'radical' or 'active' organized groups in these demonstrations, pregnant women, old ladies and stringy intellectuals complain that, they tarnished the beautiful march with their insensible actions. How dare they sabotage the peaceful walk with witty slogan covered signs and amusing world leader papier-mache puppet! Why those politicians in their shiny offices, they were about to change their minds when they saw all those people walking, because you know there's nothing scarier than a orderly mob.
Now I really am not advocating violent uprising, but if you study a tiny bit of history, you realize quickly that, aside from a few freak incidents, society changes were usually based on a good dose of hemoglobin spilled at the seat of power. Governments are entities we create to centralize the use of violence. We allow it to manage our prisons, army, police force and law, because we often find this deal preferable to the mob's whim. But once in a while, the entity starts to believe its own propaganda, gets cocky with us, forgetting we were once a dangerous, salivating mob of ragged peasants with gingivitis and bed sores, armed with rusty pitchforks and sickles. That's when we revert to our most interesting state of single-minded flow of noisy flesh scented humans. How they tremble then, our tie and suit comb-over masters. Because part of them remembers the noose, the chopping block, the guillotine, the bullet-pocked dusty walls.
Sadly, the key word here is 'single-minded'. Once you have a mob diluted with peaceful intentions, like our expecting mother who's out for a nice stroll with her hippy friends, the schizophrenic snake tends to divide, wither and die before any reasonably organized police force. A friend's mother said, when asked to describe the current Quebec political situation: "People get sodomized brutally by the government, but they seem to like it, since they're asking for more".
Speaking of which, I work in a very disgusting work environment. We are at least 200 male employees sharing a floor, with 2 washrooms totaling 7 toilets. And some people's diet really seem to produce the filthiest of results, like the ever appreciated "morning toilet breaker so it stinks like a corpse for the rest of the day" technique. There's also the inexplicable "toilet paper origami over the brown crescent" and "invisible bran that will still smell in 3 hours". I've lived for a year in the Hunan province in China, and I've seen my share of weird human waste monuments in the broken porcelaine. But we're talking of a country that has 1 300 000 000 digestive systems. We only have 200, what gives? I've got a theory that a diet consisting of mixing cheap coffee with anti-adhesive cupcakes in the morning, with cheap greasy pizza and fries for lunch, and a juicy fat quickly congealing because it's takeout burger with bacon for supper, tends to create the perfect conditions in the colon to manufacture those dreaded musky sausages we exhale from our rectal kiss. Because some people don't care about what's beyond their flaccid white ass. It's like the feel the need to stir shit to stink up a place that should be shared respectfully with other human beings. I bet they don't even wash their hands when they leave, too.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Another day, another dollar

I love money. It was so an abstract reward in paper and coin form, now that we have it deposited directly in our virtual accounts, I really feel like I'm doing something worthwhile with my life. This morning I saw a video with George Bush and Tony Blair talking at G8; now, as I live in the Quebec province in Canada, I have absolutely zero impact/emotional involvement in US politics, but I've got to say this, whether you like him or not as a president, George W Bush is a likeable man. A human being, I would say, based on my psychotic standards. You see, some people radiate a very special 'human' quality. You might call it charisma, but it's probably more than that. Tony Blair expresses himself well enough, with articulated words and prose, but he lacks humanity; he looks like a human, smells like a human, but the spark of life just is'nt there. He's like a butler prototype painted in a business suit.
Now Mr.Bush speaks straight, and I imagine it must be such a pain for him to give calculated speeches, how simple it would be for him if he did'nt have to lie to the masses. How funny I reflected aloud this morning, that when our elected leaders address us on tv, they have to speak with a certain complexity of language, else the peasantry think them inefficient.

"He's got vocabulary, so it must be true."

And if he was to use those colorful expletives, that are only used when in what can amount to privacy for a world leader, how we would be shocked and dismayed. Why, anybody using the word 'shit' in a sentence that does'nt describe bowel movement can't possibly handle international politics. So we'd rather elect brilliant orators than honest beasts. Don't misunderstand. I am not judging morality here. Morality is all about perspective, expressing oneself is'nt. You can disagree with politics, but you have to give credit where it's due.
Included here, as a demonstration, is a picture of our prime minister Jean Charest exchanging hand-fluid with Canada's prime minister, Steven Harper. Now you might have noticed Steven in the news recently, looking like a half-dead fish with a cherub smile. That man is always watching his words, licking his smarmy lips to avoid blurting an inconvenience about his faith. See, prime ministers really can't preach too much in Canada, because they need votes in Quebec and Ontario, which are very secular provinces. Quebec had a 'revolution tranquille'(quiet revolt) to remove church from schools and government. Many poor french families suffered during the english occupation, because the church preferred the confederation to annexation with the US; the catholic establishment thought the 'order' resulting from authoritarian monarchy was better libertarian republicanism. So there. But the prime minister is a christian, and he needs to lie to be elected. Ponder that.
The other one, that despicable curly haired human-shaped blob, is our neo-liberal-conservative-whichever party can get me power prime minister. He's such a bad liar, he gets caught and needs to change his lines all the time. But boy can he articulate words, you should hear him when he gets worked up (incidentally, his skin shines a bright red when he pulls a fit, like some strange jellyfish from the deep).

Who wants to become a politician anyways? In Quebec, there is a group called 'Young Liberals', which are the future members of the liberal party, and they look like a cloning vat bottom scrape, with almost identical glasses and boring haircut. It's like they want to prove that they were hated in high school because of their superior intellect, by entering that special social status where you get to make everyone else's life miserable.
But once the global economy crumbles, and it's all about personal skills and inherent value, those tie-and-suit dummies are going to be roasted on the mutant gangs celebratory fires. For it is their only use in a world without money: proteins and consistent shit.

Monday, July 17, 2006

It begins...

It was a stressful day. Arguments that a tired brain doesnt need, about futilities best left unnamed. The impotent rage that a short while ago promised I would try to keep in check, rose again, like so much tepid bile in my throat. And I ask myself, a spectator in a corner of my mind: why bother. Yes, why bother, about all those 40 hours weeks I give to soulless entities, watching me with empty fish eyes, breathing my air, tearing my mind. Why bother about the fact that it's the third day of suffocating heat, in a country that used to be so cold few years back. Why bother about all those damned idiots driving around to celebrate some fu**ing meaningless sport-team-athlete related event. Why bother that I can tell the news I surf through are all trying their best to lie, and quite badly. Why bother that recently, the government owned network cut back on news and education, to provide instead endless hours of harmless talk show-stars enjoying themselves hey lets join in the fun by fu**ing proxy.
And you know, it's oh so easy to blame governments and the medias that fellate them, but what about the fat slobby majority? The endless supply of cretins you see all the time in the grocery store stocking on all those 'on sale' items, because it's such a damning bargain. The bottom feeders in a cesspool of a society that keeps getting shallower, the honking morons, the 'I'll buy that for a dollar' crowd, the useless wandering stomachs that can't wait to fill on the latest offering at subway, because Jared told them it was the way to a healthy bony physique. The herd of stupefied mothers who dress their daughters like prostitutes, because if they don't look like hookers by the time they're 12, they might be impopular; their unsightly fathers who beat the crap out of their sons if they should lose that precious sport-related event, because it's all they got left to masturbate to when they think about the wreck that is their existence.
So there I was, sitting in front of a computer, enjoying the company's air conditioning, trying to focus on the conversation about my next assignment, but you know, sometimes you got to shrug it away, because you can. Because you want to live to be at least 60, because there's a remote chance in the next 30 years that a near earth object might just collide with our preocuppied little planet, and wipe us all away in the silence of space. And I want to be there to see it, to hear the whimpers of comprehension, to see the faces of those news anchors when they have to announce that the growing glowing spot in the sky might just be what humanity needed to shut their gorging maws for a moment, and ponder on their filthy waste of oxygen those past decades. We live longer, but we accomplish n-o-t-h-i-n-g with the excess time. I get a tear in my eyes whenever I realize that elders can copulate at 80 now, what an age to live in. Maybe that was god's plan all along, give senile old men erections, so we can all I don't know, hang something.
I work in a software company; it produces games, for all those repressed teenagers who need some ego boosting. I'm a concept artist, so I draw characters whom the buyers can identify with. Ge-ne-ric heroes, to please marketing demands- well built, hairless metrosexuals. And the women they love, with head-sized breasts, just like in real-life. And I sit on a chair, and I try to escape in my mind. And I see laughing people, in slow motion, laughing and talking about buying more stuff, cars and houses, buying your way to a facade of humanity. Like a parasitic disease, we in the entertainment business have latched on the rotting corpse of western society, and offered so much in way of destroying what's left of brains that can't absorb information at a proper rate. So here's to all consumers all there, I hope you can rise again, and be humans, and reject the materialistic doctrine that's been force fed to you from birth. I might lose a job, but I'm sure I'll make a friend, and we can sit and dream together, waiting for the meteor.