Saturday, August 12, 2006

Passive resistance.

It's always a delight to peruse through the daily madness that is international news. Violence, gore, dead kids/terrorists, it really makes one appreciate the simplicity of a comfortable slave-owner life. I like to have opinions, and to express them, but here in Quebec, who used to be a British occupied country, there are some that one can't express anymore. For those of you who don't know, we used to have our own 'terrorists' here. The FLQ, Quebec's liberation front, was formed by workers and intellectuals as some kind of syndicalist/socialist movement for independence, who would use violence to accomplish what years of servitude would'nt: give the french population a chance to govern itself.

But they were terrorists, because they attacked the system in a violent uprising, giving the private media a chance to paint them as bloodthirsty maniacs, a danger to all, depriving their movement of any sympathy from the common man. Even today, the still burning embers of this group are vilified by the machine; when one of our most vocal separatist is seen supporting the lebanese, while holding -gasp of horror from the gold necklace adorned bulging necks of distinguished ladies- the hizbullah flag. Because they're not a legitimate resistance movement mind you, they're terrorists. They target civilians, while when the israeli army kill a dozen, it's an honest mistake. They say 'sorry' and move on to the next atrocity.
So this is my proposition to you. I don't like this system. It makes the majority an uneducated blobby mass that enjoys driving around for no reason, spending stupidly beyond it's means, while the rich get richer and the gene pool gets shallower. Let's resist like civilized people. For the rest of the year, don't spend on futility. Buy food from local farmers, the minimum, don't waste. Don't buy new clothes to follow the trend, and if you must, buy used clothing. Buy what's necessary, not what's flashy and hip and too often useless. Don't buy a car, share one. Don't drive unless you truly need to; you might find it a bit boring at first, not going road tripping every weekend, but that's the price to pay to fix society. Shut down your tv, ignore it, ignore the stars, the glamour, the fake news. Go out, walk, draw, sing, do something, stop being a spectator, participate in life. Talk with strangers, debate things, give your mind a chance. Work less, you don't need the money if you don't spend. Never be a slave to your paycheck. Let's get our lives back from the brink, and we'll realize that those shadowy elites that pull the strings in the darkness, were merely the reflections of our own greed.
And if in the end, it does'nt change, well, there will always be the meteor.


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